23 Crémazie Street CANTLEY (QC) J8V 2V4
Phone : Gatineau – 819-568-9932 Phone : Hull-Aylmer – 819-775-9932 Email : info@irrigationlemieux.ca
For any request, please contact us using the form below.
Family name
I would like an estimate —Veuillez choisir une option—IrrigationDrainageLightingMisting systemsLawn mower
Type —Veuillez choisir une option—ResidentialCommercial
I am already a customer —Veuillez choisir une option—YesNo
I was referred by
I would like a quote for —Veuillez choisir une option—The whole of my landThe frontThe back
I have a budget of —Veuillez choisir une option—$1000 à $2000$2000 à $5000$5000 à $10 000More than $10 000
I want to do the work in —Veuillez choisir une option—1 to 2 weeks1 to 2 monthsDuring summer
What element is most important to you in order to make this decision? —Veuillez choisir une option—I would like to be comfortable with my irrigation contractorConscious budget, lowest priceWarranty and durability without worriesQuick setup